with caitlyn howe


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UP NEXT: League of Queens

In-Person Weekend Immersive


Austin, TX | JULY 21-23, 2023 | Virtual Community in FFS App

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July Event SOLD OUT - Join Waitlist for the Next Registration Opportunity

July Event SOLD OUT - Join Waitlist for the Next Registration Opportunity


It’s time to come together, queens.

There is a particular quality of magic that happens when women gather in ceremony and celebration with open hearts to free their truth and let more love in. We heal more than ourselves, and more than each other. We heal the entire collective web of the feminine. And, we liberate it. For those women who came before us, and for every woman who will walk in our footsteps.

This summer we will assemble in Austin, TX for 3 days in late July to do this holy work in the way of ecstatic play.

This is a call to every woman who finds herself burning from the inside out: repressed, bottled, smothered or silenced in the full expression of her fiery passion. If you feel something crackle and open as you read this - that is the answer of your soul that yes, there is more inside of you that wants to be seen and celebrated. And this is your permission slip to abandon the stories of restraint and fear that hold it captive and allow yourself to be known in your greatest glory. To live, burn, and shine like the star that you truly are.

In the League of Queens, we honor every expression and season of the sacred feminine. Our first ever in-person all-women’s event, from Fit For Service, has been curated in harmony with the current phase of our annual cycle, with the exuberant quality of a midsummer daydream. The sun high is in the sky, the buzz of connection hums and beckons, sensual pleasures are ripe for enjoyment, and the seeds that have been planted in every previous cycle have come to full fruition and bloom.

Summer is nature’s peak expression, and we belong to nature. Particularly as women. This season is all about play, community, embodiment, and radical presence to the juicy nectar of NOW. The vibrant sunshine serves as an invitation. It is a reflection of the inner fire that is ready to blaze from within.

And, it's going to be a damned good party.
An awakening.
An opportunity to LIVE the true story in present time. No more manifesting. No more placing an ideal future on the horizon once the hard stuff is done and we are “perfect” and “healed”. In the light of truth we realize our wholeness now and claim it through embodied experience.

This assembly will cover some ground in Austin TX, with day and night experiences in different locations, designed to evoke a setting of ambiance that supports our intentions. From day to night to day again, we will traverse an arc of our inner archetypes: from the innocence and wonder of the inner child, to the unbridled sensuality of the maiden, to the embodied majesty of the mother-queen, culminating in the sacred wisdom of the mystic, all in the span of three days.

We will be all that we are and so we will become it all. This is a reclamation, and a celebration of what each and every one of us already are and have always been.

To my Ladies of Passion out there - Let’s paint the town RED.

I can’t wait to play with you -

With Great Heart,

Join Waitlist

Itinerary Overview

Friday July 21st

Day 1


An all-day stayover of play, connection, and self-expression to heal the sister wound, build new bonds, and celebrate the inner child! Party favors, games, and body-painting are just a few of the surprises we have in store for this personal invitation to re-experience your own childlike essence.

Saturday July 22nd

Day 2

The Queens’

This is our big day of grand expansion and celebration, in two parts!

Part I will include live masterclasses and workshop practices to liberate emotional, sensual and creative self-experiencing and self-expression through exploratory exercises, poetry, breath, sound, and movement.

For Part II, we will reconvene in our grand attire (adornments highly encouraged!) for a sensual feast - on Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day! - to celebrate self-love, a special photography session to capture your majesty, and an ecstatic dance party to crown yourself as the Queen of your Life.

Sunday July 22nd

Day 3


Sunday will be our holy day of divine connection with self, sister, and the flame of the Sacred Feminine. We will gather in communion to connect our hearts through prayer, meditation, and co-creation in a fire ritual of reciprocity for the gifts of life.

Note: There is much more to be revealed in this experience! A detailed itinerary will be provided upon registration.

Caitlyn Howe
Meet your instructor

Caitlyn Howe

Caitlyn is one of the founding coaches of Fit For Service, a poet and devoted writer, and a certified facilitator for transformational healing modalities such as breathwork, meditation, kundalini yoga. Her greatest passions in service include: guiding sacred ritual, shadow work, and divine feminine healing, and supporting radical expression through authentic embodiment and ecstatic dance. Always with a “spiritual big sister” energy that forms a lasting bond of love with everyone she works with.

With a dynamic history of tested life experience, Caitlyn has risen from the underworld of her own darkness to a path of purpose, through many years and quests of mentorship, self-healing practices, and plant medicine journeys. She is now committed to supporting others in overcoming shame, finding community, and reclaiming a sense of individual wholeness for greater collective harmony.

Find her on Instagram @thepoetqueen

Vylana Marcus
Guest Coach

Vylana Marcus

Queen of Pleasure, Vylana Marcus is a visionary sound alchemist who has dedicated her life to healing the collective as both an artist and a medicine woman. Vylana will be serving as Guest Coach for the weekend, teaching sacred sexuality practices for personal healing and liberation, guiding ceremonial activation, and weaving her alchemical artistry into the space to support you in rising like a phoenix from the fire.

Kimberly Mufferi

Kimberly Mufferi

Photography artist Kimberly Mufferi will be stepping out from behind the lens and serving as our Queen of Vision for a special workshop, speaking about her experience as a photographer working with people over the past decade: the way we see ourselves, criticize ourselves, and finding authentic pathways to freedom. She will also call forth your inner majesty with photo sessions that aim to capture your true essence in its highest expression, for a renewed level of embodied self-love. Attendance includes keepsake photos that you can treasure forever!

What will I receive?
  • Inspiration & Counsel: 3 days of guidance and deep supportive presence working with Caitlyn to open your heart and liberate your most passionate expression in community, creativity, and self-love.
  • Pleasure Activation: Receive gifts of alchemical frequency activation through pleasure coaching and ceremonial experiences with our featured co-facilitator, Vylana Marcus.
  • Be The Queen for a Day: Sensual feast (on Mary Magdalene’s Feast day!) & costumed ecstatic dance party to crown yourself as the Queen of Your Life and embody your highest expression.
  • Regal Portraiture: Capture your royal nature with a special photography session from our Visionary Queen, Kimberly Mufferi Creative Expression: throughout the weekend with poetry, dance, art-making, and adornment.
  • Heal the Sister Wound: Build a new sacred circle of sisterhood, including new tools for intimacy and healing in your feminine relationships, and all relationships.
  • Live a New Story: Break subconscious, inherited patterns through radical permission to design your life and authentically express yourself.
  • Somatic Support: Experience healing transformation through somatic release with intention movement and self-nurturing practices.
  • Ritual Tools for Life: Honor the season and your connection to the sacred through ceremonial prayer and a shared fire ritual for the summer on Sunday.
  • Play Time: Celebrate your essence for the peak of the summer season in Austin, TX
  • “Surprise Party Favor” gift bag
  • Two Virtual Circle Calls: Via Zoom, to open the space and integrate the experience.
  • Private Community Space in the FFS App
  • Lasting Community: To join the League of Queens is to enter a community of women that continue to support and celebrate one another long after the container has closed. Find your tribe.
  • More surprises TBA!
What is this all about?

Welcome to the League of Queens

What is this space all about?

The League of Queens is already within you, waiting to be discovered and honored.

Before Caitlyn created this community, it began as a map of inner exploration, designed to identify all dynamic parts of the self and transmute them into their most glorious and authentic expression, through deeper understanding, self-respect and celebration. The result of this process is a revitalization of passion through the reclamation and exaltation of the soul’s unique qualities. A passionate life.

Using mythic blueprints, symbols, and archetypes of the divine feminine, the League of Queens originally presented itself as a transmission of written material, including templates of ritual activations, devotional passion practices, journaling prompts, and playful new ways of self-relating.

This material evolved into the first League of Queens online immersive course, and swiftly expanded into a greater, living “league of queens”: a loving community of dynamic women, activating the untapped potential of forgotten superpowers while being supported in sisterhood.

Fit For Service is the current home to this community for women, and we are expanding further into the potency of in-person events in 2023 and beyond.

League of Queens immersive events seek to break the mold of “spiritual event” concepts, restoring juicy aliveness in celebration of the human experience through creative play, rites of passage, and radical self-expression, while reharmonizing our ritual activations with nature: the moon phases, the seasons, and the elements.

In the constellation of this space, there is no part undeserving of regal recognition. We actively stretch our capacity to expand our understanding of the full feminine, and bring dignity, sanctity, and glory to every element of who and what we are.

Check out “The Offerings” below to view announcements and information for upcoming events, featuring world-class guest coaches and contributors.

Join the League of Queens, and become a member of the Fit For Service family, to live the passionate life that is your birthright.

*Do you ever feel a sense of longing for some lost part of yourself?

*Does your inner light often feel dim?

*Do you crave the fiery power to claim your heart’s greatest desires?

*Do you want to welcome life itself into your heart as your beloved?

*Are you curious how you can turn “self help” into a playful art?

*Are you craving new connections that support your expansion?

*Do you simply want to fall more in love with the experience of being you?

*Are you interested to learn more about the power of ritual?

If your answer to any of these questions is Yes, or, if you just want to have fun experimenting with what passion looks and feels like in your life, this space is for you.

The Passionate Path

A passionate life is not a one-and-done process. It is a way of being that celebrates wholeness and unbridled truth, and actively savors the full spectrum of vivid feelings and sensations that compose the signature of our most authentic self.

No one else can prescribe or grant us this. What it looks like, feels like, and means for each of us can only be discovered from within. Each woman’s passionate life is as unique as a fingerprint.

The Leagues of Queens program is not an instantaneous solution. But it will provide tools, perspectives, inspiration and support that, with your participation and enthusiasm, can initiate a quantum leap into a life led by your most passionate self-expression. The League of Queens offers a map, and a container of joyful celebration, that is designed to help you experience immediate shifts, and move towards the destiny of your highest design in ways that will continue to be revealed for months and years to come. Every offering is designed with care as a treasure hunt to live a lifelong love story with yourself.


  • The League of Queens experience has been profoundly meaningful, powerful, and exactly what I needed. I felt heard, seen, appreciated, and known. I can feel a new embodiment emerging that is based in faith and love of myself, as Queen of my Life. I now know that a deep wisdom is within AND without. I know that my spiritual connection is something I can access, reference, and trust at any time. Your genius is an absolute gift, so thank you for sharing it with us. Your soul has touched mine. I see myself in you and you in me and this vulnerable exchange reminds me of the heart of our connectedness. I can express myself in more of my Uniqueness because of this Oneness. It is just so profound. There aren't adequate words to describe it, but I know you know.

    - Nic
  • I wanted to personally reach out to you with immense gratitude for League of Queens and bringing your vision to life. It was a beautiful and vulnerable container and continues to be the gift that keeps on giving. I am so grateful to you and the other women who made the group what it was. I’m missing the weekly connections immensely! The energy was palpable every single week and you all continue to come forward for me in meditations, so the energy is very much still flowing.

    - Helenita
  • This container held me in my darkest hours, and I want to thank you so much for being the creatress of this magical work. Thank you for sharing yourself with us :)

    - Giselle
  • I truly appreciate your commitment to our group, your glorious workbook material, and introducing us to our inner Queendom. Your program helped my inner "knowing" and supported healing where I needed it. It sparked confidence and creativity and helped me make decisions to move forward in my life. I would definitely recommend it to my friends who are on the same journey.

    - Alyssa
  • This container has brought me to my knees. I never thought I'd get to the places I did. I thought it was only possible through plant medicines. I've sat in aya ceremonies and spent a lot of time with psilocybin. Both are potent and different and have brought me profound teachings that I am so grateful for. But I'd never ever thought that I could get there on my own. YOUR container got me there. I now realize my own power and that it was there all along.. I've been able to close a chapter in my life that has needed closure for a long time. I can finally say that I love myself and that is monumental.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating this container, welcoming me in, and believing in yourself to share your incredible magic. You are healing SO many sisters. I will always think of you and your wisdom that you have shared. I am forever grateful!!

    - Sara
  • I cannot thank you enough or express just how grateful I am for you, your work and how it is impacting and helping me get back to myself through all the chaos and craziness that has been my life for years now. I really can say from my heart that I have and feel so much love for you.

    - Amy
  • During this time since the autumn solstice, I have, on separate occasions, channeled my mother’s side of my ancestry, and my father’s side. Both with different and clear things to say. I have flipped from being angry at the female side of my lineage to being angry on their behalf, huge. I have had visions of my two kids in future ceremonies and received glimpses of what they are up to. My business has grown, my team is on fire, 10 pounds have disappeared and I had my akashic records accessed cleared and resorted which was mind blowing and has given me peace, clarity and understanding around my relationship with my king I am calling in and my medicine I’m privileged to give.

    - Mandy

    The Offerings

    Up Next in the League of Queens
    In-person weekend immersive July 21-23

    Passionate Fire

    Midsummer Austin Assembly

    Austin, TX | JULY 21-23, 2023 | Virtual Community in FFS App

    Join Waitlist

    July Event SOLD OUT - Join Waitlist for the Next Registration Opportunity

    What does this include?

    • 3 full days of masterclasses, experiences, and activations
    • Meals covered only between scheduled activities, while mealtimes are on-site
    • Guest Coaching Support
    • Special Event Photography
    • Preparatory call before the event & integration call after the event
    • *Please note: Accommodations, outside meals, and additional travel expenses are not included.

    When do we come together?

    Friday July 21 - Sunday July 23, 2023 (Exact times & locations will be shared with registration!)

    Plan for: 11am through the evening on Friday July 21st, All day & night Saturday July 22, and all daytime Sunday July 23.

    If you are not local to Austin, and plan to fly in: We recommend arriving on the night of Thursday, July 20th, and departing on Monday morning, July 24th, if possible. If you must arrive into Austin on Friday morning, or depart on Sunday evening, you may miss a bit of programming, but the value of the experience will not be lost!

    What is my energetic exchange?

    Immersive Investment Price: $1900

    Monthly Payment Option: $950 deposit now, remainder due in July before retreat.

    Partners & Friends! Do you know a Queen who would love to attend, or benefit from this experience? Want to buy a ticket for a loved one as a gift? Fill out the application and put a note of your intention and we will follow up with you with instructions to get her registered!

    Save the Date

    Upcoming Programs

    The League of Queens

    Autumn Immersive Retreat

    TENTATIVE DATES: Sept 20-24 / Sept 29-Oct 2 (location TBA)
    (location TBA) - Announcement of program details Coming Summer 2023

    **Note: This retreat is still in the works, but not yet finalized! We want you to have the opportunity to mark your calendars now as a TENTATIVE event, as we organize and confirm the itinerary. If you want to be SURE to get to attend an Austin-area League of Queens event in 2023, we recommend signing up for the Midsummer Assembly July 21-23.

    A Personal Invitation

    2 years ago I began to learn a secret that changed my life. It is this:

    There is a life designed for each of us that glows in potentiality and beckons us to claim it, every day. It is the life of our fullest aliveness, where we deeply enjoy feeling and experiencing who we are. It offers itself to us through doorways of seasons changing, moon phases, exciting opportunities, tough choices, and brave experiments. It never gives up on us, because it belongs to us by nature. And the closer we move towards ourselves, the more we step into it.

    The problem is, many of us don’t tend to move closer to ourselves. Trauma, shame, disappointment and self-criticism often drive us to run from the intense sensations of being in our truest expression. In our efforts to be who we think we should be, we can spend a lifetime searching for what has always been right beneath our nose.

    It took nearly 10 years of soul-searching before I realized this and unlocked my passionate life. I didn't even know that my passion was missing until I felt the blissful fire of it consume me once again. And when it did, I understood how it had always been right here– encoded in my essence.

    No one told me this secret. I discovered it slowly, like an archaeologist of my own heart and a detective of the divine, by beginning to follow the threads of what I loved most, and initiating a steady practice of creative ritual-making which wove them into my physical reality. And, by moving through the rites of passage that these rituals led me to.

    It was not always painless, perfect, or fast. But it was always rich with amazement and beauty. Every initiatory step has led me to a surprising new miracle.

    Through this commitment, I began to weave a life of my design. An original masterpiece. A passionate life. And all that really means is that I have begun to deeply, sincerely enjoy the experience of being my self.

    One of the greatest regrets of human beings on their deathbeds is that they wish they had enjoyed their lives more. I want to help people enjoy the feeling of being themselves.

    And I know from experience that this path works. Especially when it is done from a place of authentic creativity and devoted love.

    This is what inspired me to create the League of Queens program and share my favorite, most effective ritual tools in this unique immersive event as a starting point for you to begin to rediscover yourself, enjoy yourself, and claim a life on fire. I hope to share the magic with you.

    Love, Caitlyn
    Frequently Asked Questions

    Tell Me More

    • 1. Are there any requirements for me to register?

      The only soft “requirement” is a sincere interest in choosing this adventure, and a willingness to come to the space with an open heart to the material and practices! We suggest you allow yourself to embrace your program as a sacred playground, with reverence for it as ceremonial in nature.

      Please note that Fit for Service has a required application process for all programs. As a transformational coaching and events program, the FFS application serves to ensure that all participants are within our scope of practice and are willing and interested in the work we will do; we co-create each experience and it is important that our members are all in alignment with their intentions and expectations. In order to register for any Immersive, we must have a completed and approved application on file. If you have applied for any program before, and received an approval, you should be able to register right away. If you have not, please fill out the application through the link below and look for your next steps! (See below for more on the application process).

    • 2. I would love to attend, but I cannot afford it right now. Do you offer scholarships or payment plans?

      Scholarships and payment options vary from event to event. Our current open enrollment, for the ‘Passionate Fire: Midsummer Austin Assembly’, is limited in size, and designed to be a “treat yourself” kind of experience! As such, our production costs do not allow us to make exceptions on pricing, but we want everyone to have the opportunity to experience our events, and always seek to make it possible for everyone as best we can.

      If you cannot afford the registration dues at this time, please consider our payment option, or please still submit an application and share your story, and then submit that you would like to be added to the waitlist!

      We will review all wait list submissions for limited scholarship consideration based on available space, and keep you on the priority list for our next available offerings!

    • 3. Is the League of Queens for women only? “Feminine” women only?

      All League of Queens programs are open to all female-identifying people. If you identify biologically, or in your gender-expression as female, you are welcome to apply.

      This container functions as a “women’s circle” and as such, is not open to men. It is designed specifically for the feminine archetype. Please expect language and materials to be exclusively curated towards the feminine.

      That being said, if you are a female who does not relate to status-quo interpretations of the term “feminine”, or find discomfort in connecting to your feminine essence, this container is definitely still for you! While the idea of a “queen” may infer a stereotypical interpretation of feminine expression, we seek to expand that interpretation in the League of Queens, by celebrating and strengthening our individual relationships to what the vast spectrum of what the feminine fully encompasses. Fierce. Strong. Brave. Bold. Unapologetic Truth. All emanations of the goddess are welcome here.

    • 4. Will this be my only opportunity to register for this program?

      The League of Queens immersives are currently the only official “women-only” spaces offered through Fit For Service and are currently the best opportunity to work with Caitlyn on a more personal level. If you have been looking for a way to receive coaching or mentorship with her, or to participate in a more intimate container for women in FFS, this program is the best way to do so.

      Each program is designed for the season and context of the location. So, while the material may be reproduced in a similar League of Queens offering in the future, there is no guarantee, and this particular journey will never be offered precisely in this way again. If you feel the call in your heart to a particular LOQ space, we recommend you answer it while it is alive!

    • 5. Why am I required to fill out an application for “membership”?

      Fit For Service is a global community committed to bridging connection and ushering in a greater human experience for our current world, and our children’s children and beyond. Our doors are open to any and every human being who shares in this dream, and wishes to serve the healing of humanity and our planet in their own unique way.

      An earnest desire to understand oneself more deeply, make the world a better place (even if that is simply one’s own inner world) and an openness to do so in an environment of interbeing through community, are the two essential requirements to be approved to participate in any of our programs.

      Once you are approved for any program, you become a member of the Fit For Service family, always. This membership is not exclusive of an outside world, but supportive to all who have been through any rite of passage by attending a Fit For Service event, online or in-person.

      Because we regard this community as family, and family as safe and sacred, we require an application process for these reasons:

      1. To get to know you, in order to relate to you, support your needs and desires in your FFS journey.
      2. o confirm that our program and community can support your intentions and desires in a way that works for you, energetically and financially.
      3. To ensure the emotional safety and best interests of other members sharing intimately as they do their own inner healing.

      Our application process is intended to initiate relationships with our members while filtering out any misaligned energy that may be threatening, offensive, or harmful to others.