It was the best decision of my life. I don’t care how much it costs, I would pay another thousand... million dollars. I don’t care about the money. It was the best, most enriching thing I’ve ever done for myself.
–Crystal BeuagardWhat is Fit For Service Like?
It’s impossible to capture the magic of FFS on a website. But we tried.

“This year was indeed like
drinking from a fire hose for
me. Our pantries are filled with
enough sustenance to last another year.”
–Shannon Morehead“I can’t explain to you the love I
have felt this year from this crew
that are now family for life.”
–Nichole Stubblefield“This was by far the best year of
my life! I am
whole. I am complete. I have all I'll ever need.”
–Alicia Kay“Truly life changing in ways
that cannot be described, it
must be lived to understand what lies beyond the other
side of the furthest edge you are willing to go.”
–Michele LaPlanteStep inside a more beautiful world
In order to contribute to the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible...we have to experience it first

Feel alive again
“FFS has been a spiritual
playground to practice what
I’ve learned and practice being
my fullest, most whole self,
opening up long locked parts
of my heart to love to my fullest extent.”
–Cindy Coats“I'm more alive than I was
before, and I'm feeling fully
alive probably for the first time
–Alex Nazarov“For years I would see other
men as men, and still see
myself as a little boy. Now I
laugh louder, I smile bigger, and
have reclaimed my masculine -
it’s been beautiful.”
–Dylan FladheimerImpact the world
Before we can change the world, we have to change ourselves. This is where we start.
“It’s undeniable that what is happening here is
changing the world, one heart at a time.”
“This is only the beginning and I am so grateful
for the transformation, the support and the
opportunity to become more fit to serve this
more beautiful world.”

What are the summits like?
Burning Man meets Hogwarts meets TED meets Narnia.A place to create moments that will stay with you forever.

Nourish your soul
“I’ve found friends, family,
triggers, healing, wounds,
God, business, inspiration,
motivation, vulnerability,
strength and so much more
within this container. I’ve found
myself. What an absolute gift it has been!”
–Isaac Matthews“I was craving community.
Meeting people with my interests
was a celebration. You’re safe
here. You’re celebrated here.”
–Rohini Elyse“There are no words to express
how soul nourishing,
activating, and aligning this past week has
been for me.”
–Dre Spacek“For the first time in my life, I
am proud of myself and truly
mean it to my core. I no longer
think that I need to “eradicate
or overcome” the parts of
myself that aren’t as pretty
before I can love myself. My
inner space expanded to
welcome home ALL of me.”
–Sam Best

What are people saying?
Don’t take our word for it. Listen to actual Fit For Service attendees explain the experience in their own words

This year has been one of the
most beautifully challenging of
my life. What an honor it’s
been to witness and
participate in the process of
our Becoming. I love you all
with all that I am.
–Carly CrotwellFrom sitting in ceremony to
sitting in the sweat lodge, from
kendo to breathwork
journeying, and all the
vulnerability and love that
unfolds in between…My heart
is still bursting from this
–Katherine CheadleThe odds of us all meeting and
being here together now is not
random, it’s divine. Thank you
all for being mirrors, guides,
friends, sacred reflectors of all
that’s light and shadow.
–Angela WetzelFind the others
Connect with others who don’t only see you for who youalready are... but the highest version of who you can be

I had the most growth I’ve ever experienced in my life in every way shape and form. I made lifelong friendships and learned so much about myself. I am a completely different person, living in so much more peace and trust and I have all of you to thank.
–Mark Gonzales
The sheer abundance of remarkable souls I continue to connect with from this container is such a testament to what this Fit for Service community is fostering and growing.
–Kendra Fox

Make friends for life
Build the kind of lifelong bonds that can only be created bygoing through powerful initiations together

Unlock your true identity
I’m ready to come out and
share more, play more and say
yes to the nudges that are
calling me forward and no to
the expectations and habits
that I’ve been hiding behind.
–Marika TomkinsI used to want to fix all parts of
me I thought were broken. Until
I met so many beautiful souls
that reinforced that I was
already whole.
–Summer ValentinoWe find out our greatest
powers by leaning into our
greatest alliances. Eternal
Allies are of greater value than
any Vegas Jackpot.
–Dustin Schwartz