Fit For Service Presents


Remember your birthrite
Biofarm, Lockhart, TX | April 16-17 | $777
Welcome to


Your Rebirthday Party

One of the great forgettings in modern times is the wisdom of the feminine; her seasons, her play, her darkness, her ecstasy. The Greeks saw ANIMA as the feminine aspect of our soul. Depth Psychology sees ANIMA as ‘our inner feminine.’ Remember Your Birthrite is a celebration and activation (and doubles as a release party for Vylanna and Aubrey’s first album Remembrance). On April 16th and 17th, in Lockhart Texas, we will gather on beautiful farmland to play, breathe, envision, release, and dance our inner ANIMA into radical expression.

Come Remember in Community

Festival Style

Who is this for?

Two types of people are drawn to our events; those who come to recharge in community, and those who have had an inner whisper for a long time that there is more to life than work, taxes, and the vague sense that something is wrong. ANIMA is for both.


For the rechargers; you’ve been to our events. You know the unutterable nourishment that comes from physically gathering in community. You know you’re on this Earth to serve; the planet, its wildlife, humanity, and your own becoming. You’re actively of service, and you know a few days recharging in community can reignite your hope, passion, and dedication. If you feel the call to recharge, we’re here.


For those with the whisper that there may be something more – there is. One of our fundamental needs as social creatures is community, and most of us don’t have it. Fit For Service is a place where the whisper turns to gnosis. There are people who skip small talk. There are people earnestly dedicated to healing themselves so they can begin to serve the world. There are people who are committed to stopping the trauma that has been passed down through their family. There are people doing the work to help build a more beautiful world. There are people who can handle ‘all of you,’ and love you unconditionally. Those people will be here. If the whisper in you resonates with these words, we invite you to take the dive. This community will catch you.

Why is this event important to us?

One song Fit For Service is committed to singing is that ‘the work’ can be fun. It can be ecstatic. Dancing and singing and radically expressing for children of a culture that worships repression is transformational medicine – and – we play to refuel, recharge, and remember, so that we can go back into the world and help. Our generation faces massive, real, transgenerational problems. We need engaged, resilient, and radically hopeful stewards of life. ANIMA’s mission is to help you remember this song.

Remembrance Album Release

Aubrey and Vylana will be celebrating the release of their first album Remembrance. The album is structured as a transformative experience on its own, and the run-of-show for ANIMA will be based on the songs in the album. If you’d like to ‘live the album’ with us, apply below.